I’m an international advocate.
I’m an internationally recognised Movement Therapist specialising in Hypermobility, Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Chronic Pain. I regularly present for the Ehlers-Danlos Society at their international conferences.
My work is personal. I was a chronic pain sufferer.
With a hypermobile, bendy and unstable body, I experienced three episodes of pneumonia that left me with a lifelong lung condition called bronchiectasis. I now have a diagnosis of hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTs) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS).
I’m an international voice for EDS sufferers.
I write my own blog monthly on important hypermobility issues. Plus I write for the Huffington Post, The Mighty and Thrive Global on the topics of chronic illness and invisible disabilities. I am an expert for the famous physical therapists Bob and Brad – having written blogs, appeared on their podcast and their YouTube channel.
Member of both the London and the Kent Hypermobility Networks of Excellence
Jeannie works for Dr Alan Hakim in the London Hypermobility Network of Excellence and with Dr Philip Bull in the Kent Hypermobility Network of Excellence.
Awarded the Outstanding Contribution to EDS ECHO in July 2024 by The Ehlers Danlos Society
EDS ECHO is an educational platform for healthcare professionals. My IMM course for professionals is now entering its sixth cohort.
I’m an EDS Community Champion Award Winner.
In January 2022, I was awarded the prestigious Community Champion Award for services to the hypermobile community by Ehlers-Danlos UK.
I have been teaching Movement Therapy since 2008.
I have over 15 years’ clinical experience and working 1:1 with EDS / HSD clients providing specialist support to those living with chronic pain, and I have created my own method – the Integral Movement Methods (IMM).
With The Ehlers-Danlos Society, I teach the IMM to health professionals.
I’ve trained 80 professionals to date bringing movement education to physical therapists and teachers.
I launched The Zebra Club, a comprehensive online solution.
This is the first comprehensive online solution for hypermobility. It’s now a thriving global community with over 150 classes and live events.
I gave away my training and programmes during the pandemic.
With physical therapy unavailable, I wanted to ensure people continued to move safely. I taught online to EDS UK support groups and I offered the Strengthen Your Hypermobile Core programme for free. We had 8000 downloads alone.
I was a consultant on an NHS EDS Patient Pathway in Dorset in 2019.
and I provided education events at other NHS Trusts.
My online course Strengthen Your Hypermobile Core is the subject of a research study with Clarkson University in the United States and UCL London.
Papers publishing soon.
I’m working to ensure we understand EDS better.
I’m on the International Consortium Allied Health Working Group with The Ehlers-Danlos Society helping further knowledge and research into hypermobility.
My two books offer a fresh perspective.
I’ve written two books on my approach: Hypermobility Without Tears and Pilates Without Tears. Both are highly recommended by doctors and physiotherapists.
My third book will support health professionals.
The Integral Movement Method and Hypermobility Management is due in 2025. It will help health professionals on the practical application for clinical practice.
I tried everything in my search for effective pain management.
I trained with the internationally recognised leader of rehabilitation-based Pilates, Polestar Pilates. I then studied biomechanics, anatomy, neuroscience, lifestyle medicine, and attended pain management courses at Harvard Medical School. This training and my research and practical experience underpin the Integral Movement Method (IMM).
I created a no pain, no strain strategy to movement.
The IMM allows the body to release stress and tension from the body and replace it with a calm nervous system and efficient movement patterns.
The IMM is scientifically proven.
The IMM is endorsed by doctors and physiotherapists and has helped thousands of people. It has proven effective through research backed up by clinical evidence. I’m continuing to contribute to the research into EDS and hypermobility.
I’m soon to graduate with an MSc in Pain Management.
My MSc will contribute to the research into exercise and hypermobility.
I want everyone to have affordable access to the IMM.
I believe that movement heals, and I want everyone that needs it to have easy, affordable access to my approach. The Zebra Club app is the most comprehensive collection of movement solutions for people with hypermobility and EDS.