What is the Integral Movement Method?

The Integral Movement Method (IMM) is an evidence-based method backed by scientific research. Two research papers are pending publication currently which will offer exciting developments into movement therapy treatments for those with hypermobility.

The published extract from 2021 states “Preliminary analysis shows that this on-line Pilates program designed for people with hEDS/HSD provides a viable model for intervention and research with this population”.

The research project into the IMM had an initial enrolment of 671 hypermobile participants. I am delighted that the outcome measures showed 88% of post-intervention respondents were likely or very likely to recommend this program to other people with hypermobility. The research data demonstrates both the physical and psychological benefits of practising the IMM. I look forward to sharing the published data with you in 2024.

The IMM benefits

The Integral Movement Method (IMM) is a no pain, no strain strategy to movement that allows the body to release stress and tension from the body and replace it with a calm nervous system and efficient movement patterns. Pain and discomfort, often stuck in the body for many years, can often disappear. The IMM is endorsed by doctors and physiotherapists and has helped hundreds of people.

A personal journey

My work is personal. I was a chronic pain sufferer, with a hypermobile, bendy and unstable body. I experienced three episodes of pneumonia that left me with a lifelong lung condition called bronchiectasis. My extensive medical history of seemingly unrelated issues finally led me to a diagnosis of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS), Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTs) and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). This experience led me to develop my own approach to take back control of my health.

Informed by years of training and research

I trained with the internationally recognised leader of rehabilitation-based Pilates, Polestar Pilates. I then explored outside the realm of Pilates and studied other disciplines – attending courses on biomechanics, anatomy, neuroscience and lifestyle medicine. Through self-practice, study and the privilege of working with thousands of my own clients, I developed the Integral Movement Method (IMM).

Making IMM available to all

I’m a firm believer that movement heals. I work privately with clients in my clinic in Wimbledon but I’m committed to sharing IMM with sufferers globally. I want everyone that needs it to have easy, affordable access to my approach. To this end, I launched The Zebra Club app, the most comprehensive collection of movement solutions for people with hypermobility and EDS which offers effective, affordable and safe programmes.

The Zebra Club APP

Hypermobility safe, affordable and effective movement, education and community in the comfort of your own home.

The Zebra Club app is a programme based on the Integral Movement Method. In this programme I will carefully guide you through safe exercises to manage your pain.

Learn more
Or download the App on

IMM for Therapists

As a therapist you’ll know that what works for other clients won’t work for hypermobile and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome clients. That’s why I’m delighted you’re interested in training in The Integral Movement Method (IMM). This is a no pain, no strain approach to movement and you’ll learn to help your clients release tension from the body and replace it with a calm nervous system and efficient movement patterns. The IMM is endorsed by doctors and physiotherapists and has already helped thousands of people.

Train with Jeannie in person

Host Jeannie at your own venue for a full day course in Movement Strategies for the Hypermobile Client. For anyone working with clients in this specialist field, this is suitable for teachers, instructors, physiotherapists, osteopaths or anyone wanting a greater understanding of this condition.

Hypermobility can go way beyond having flexibility. When working with hypermobility, we need to be aware of possible other symptoms and conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and chronic pain which is often a feature in hypermobility.

What you’ll learn:

  • Review the latest research and information relating to hypermobility and EDS
  • Acquire the knowledge & skills to work effectively and confidently with this population
  • Examine the physical, emotional & psychological aspects of hypermobility and chronic pain
  • Learn mat-based exercises & guidelines to work with confidence in this field utilising the Integral Movement Method framework

Online training: EDS Echo Fundamentals of the Integral Movement Method

For physical therapists, physiotherapists, pilates teachers, yoga teachers and personal trainers.

What you’ll learn:

  • How Movement Therapy is effective
  • Strategies to implement in your own practice
  • Confidence in helping people with EDS and HSD to exercise
  • A unique opportunity to learn from colleagues and peers around the world.

This 18 hour online course is spread over 9 weeks. It’s run in collaboration with The Ehlers-Danlos Society and on their platform EDS Echo. The programmes are run twice a year.

Find a practitioner near you

A directory of teachers who have successfully completed the Fundamentals of the Integral Movement Method taught by Jeannie Di Bon in association with The Ehlers Danlos Society.

IMM Directory

My ‘The Integral Movement Method’ book

For health professionals and movement practitioners who want to learn more about this evidence-based approach to hypermobility management. You will learn:

  • The six hypermobility principles in depth
  • Strategies to implement in your own clinical practice
  • Practical solutions for you to use with your clients.

Launching Soon!

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Learn more about the IMM

Using effective training approaches and techniques is key when it comes to EDS and hypermobility. The right approach can help prevent injuries, maintain correct alignment, and improve joint stability. Working on proprioception is key for this population. Importantly, the right type of training will also help prevent deconditioning. Using effective training approaches and techniques is key when it comes to EDS and hypermobility. The right approach can help prevent injuries, maintain correct alignment, and improve joint stability. Working on proprioception is key for this population. Importantly, the right type of training will also help prevent deconditioning.

When it comes to movement and exercise, a common mistake is to jump in with weights and resistance too soon. It is important we work on calming the nervous system, relaxing tight and overworked muscles, and ensure good alignment before we add extra load. Another common mistake is overstretching. It may feel good to stretch those tight areas but overstretching can weaken and destabilise the joints. It is also important to include rest and recovery in any movement programme. Rest is crucial for muscle repair and joint health.

If you are a movement professional, you can access the Fundamentals of The Integral Movement Method course through The Ehlers-Danlos Society EDS ECHO program. You can also train with Jeannie in person by getting in touch via e-mail.

If you want to learn how to practice The IMM you can join The Zebra Club or get moving with Jeannie on her YouTube channel.