The EDS Diet by Lorna Ryan

EDS Hypermobility Lifestyle & Wellbeing

by Jeannie Di Bon, May 19th, 2024

Estimated reading time: 3 minutesWe all consume food and exist in a world where opinion and advice on diet is freely shared. The public is pleased to share tips. Family wishes to impart wisdom. Professional patients keen to share their n=1. Healthcare professionals sometimes slide out of scope to offer recommendations. And no more so than in the niche arena of Hypermobility & Ehlers-Danlos syndromes.

This may not be a blog you’re expecting, no lists of foods to eat or avoid here. Instead, a discussion centered on the nuances of nutrition & diet when living with EDS. Understandably it’s hard to know what to do when there’s one goal – just feel better. So exploring nuances and applying critical thinking around diet can be empowering, preferable to authoritative instruction, and safer.

The Notion of The EDS Diet

Plunging straight in; the notion of ‘The EDS Diet’ – An erroneous concept. There is no one blanket EDS individual, therefore how can there be a blanket EDS diet? Hypermobility may refer to a non-symptomatic presentation, without requiring targeted dietary considerations. Dietary support for hEDS and vEDS looks quite different & support for cEDS compared to kEDS is different again. So how can we broadstroke a diet for EDS? The blunt answer, we can’t – and we shouldn’t.

Presenting ‘The EDS diet’ concept suggests one is essential, and that one exists; neither being true. When faced with poor health & fighting for answers it’s understandable that one-page handouts, glossy ‘EDS Diet’ blogs & online ‘EDS Nutrition’ programmes tussle for your attention and money. It is unsurprising that diet protocols sound full of promise. After all, following the yellow brick road, skipping along to meet the wizard offers hope. We’ve all been there.

Except for dietary care in EDS, there is no wizard. Hope? Yes, certainly. Magic no.

So, if the notion of ‘The EDS Diet’ is misleading, where do we sit in dietary care for EDS? With a lack of peer-reviewed primary data for HSD/EDS & a lack of efficacy of targeted dietary interventions the official position is;

If there is no “EDS diet” – what can we do?

Without formalised guidelines, does that leave clinicians without direction or patients without adequate EDS dietary support? No, absolutely not. We draw on understanding factors such as

  • Guiding appropriate diet and nutrition care for adults living with symptomatic Hypermobility or one of the EDS subtypes is not conceptual.
  • Observational primary research, narrative reviews, and expert opinions inform parameters to manage chronic coexistence health conditions such as pain, fatigue, headache, gastrointestinal disorders, dysautonomia, and mast cell disorders.
  • Despite a lack of robust evidence in this arena, we have a growing body of studies, clinical observations, and hypothetical supplement protocols by which to offer safe & measurable clinical support.

How do we support coexisting health conditions & offer safe, measurable nutrition care for individuals living with EDS? Firstly, it’s a misconception that HSD or EDS needs special dietary attention. Eating for general health is key. All depends on the presenting symptoms. And, when a cluster of overlapping complexities may be present, we should start with simple foundations. These include:

  • Moving away from strict regimes, food restrictions & the hyperfocus on one food group
  • Avoiding high-volume supplementation
  • Meeting daily nutritional needs for general health
  • Consuming a diverse diet

Consuming a diverse diet, understandably, feels outside the reach of many living with HSD / EDS, especially those with gastrointestinal concerns. Think plentiful fibre types, all the colours of the rainbow. However, given the wider range of health benefits it offers, we must concede the importance in EDS. Yes, meeting this is a challenge for sure. But, not impossible with appropriate food modification;

  • Manipulating meal composition and consistancy
  • Adapting intake frequency
  • Altering portion servings

Beyond simple foundations, especially when the principle causation of symptoms is unidentified or comorbidities are complex, safe support must include mitigating the risk of;

  • Over-elimination
  • Un-managed dysphagia (difficulty swallowing)
  • Nutritional deficiencies & malnutrition
  • Un-identified food allergy
  • Disordered eating and/or reinforcing pre-existing eating disorders
  • Colonic perforation in vEDS
  • Rectal bleeding & obstruction in rectal prolapse

 We should consider co-occurring conditions

And what for interlinking safe & measurable dietary care with common co-morbid conditions in EDS? Gold standard recommendations advise on clinical interventions to help manage diagnosed conditions, for example, GERD, gastroparesis & PoTS. Yet, the reality of dietary management in EDS is highly nuanced when we consider co-occurring diagnosis & main areas to be carefully considered in EDS;

  • Connective tissue integrity
  • Enzyme deficiencies
  • Gut- Motility abnormalities
  • Gut-brain interactions
  • Structural abnormalities
  • Immune-mediated / rheumatologic
  • Sympathetic, Parasympathetic, Enteric nervous system

Advice should be tailored to individual symptoms presentations in full respect of diagnosis & medical history. Here we have the bones of why there is no ‘EDS Diet’. Because both subtle & extreme details make dietary needs in this population complex & interesting. We are building consensus & forming guidelines. It’s an exciting time. There will be celebrations with cake.

Patients should seek support from clinically trained nutrition professionals (Registered Clinical Nutritionist / Dietitians) who have specific EDS training, knowledge & experience to fully care for complex health need in EDS.

For more on the intricacies of diet and hypermobility/EDS check you this conversation between Lorna and Jeannie debunking common EDS diet myths:


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Usha - 13th December 2024

Anything to help with Brain fog ? My son now 29 diagnosed at 5 with hEDS needs help with diet, vitamins excetera that may help him. please do you have any research or advice it’s really putting a damper on his career being a paramedic. He’s noticing that it’s affecting his recall of simple things like not able to recall a medical item quickly. He knows in his head what it us but can’t find the word to say UT out loud. Like recalling the blood pressure machin…he’s asked me if I can find articles which may help him. Regards!


    Jeannie Di Bon - 23rd December 2024

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. I hope the article was helpful. Brainfog can be caused by so many things – it would really be worth having a consultation with an expert to examine his full medical history. You can find a list of EDS experts on The EDS Society website.


Penny Pendlebury - 20th May 2024

Thank you so much, Lorna and Jeannie. I am 67, and have tried for many years to help myself by taking various supplements. Some, like a very high dose of evening primrose oil, I know make a massive difference to my (very long) hair, skin and nails, as do sea kelp and biotin. Most of the others leave me wondering whether they are making a difference, although cutting them all out certainly doesn’t help! Although I have tried, I haven’t been able to pin down which ones work. But the message I am getting is that actually, none of them are making as much difference as I hoped they would, and that I shouldn’t worry too much if I can’t afford to take them.


    Jeannie Di Bon - 3rd June 2024

    Thank you for taking the time to comment. Yes, it is a bit of trial and error to find what works for each individual. We are all so different in our needs.


Hennessy cross - 30th November 2022

I am in need for good diet plan I am hyper mobile.


    Jeannie Di Bon - 7th December 2022

    Please do contact an EDS aware nutritionist or dietician like Lorna Ryan of Lorna Ryan Health


Mandara Wiwczaruk - 9th March 2022

Myself and my 3 daughters are hyper mobile along with my sister and Mother, her Mother and her Mother before her and never has anyone linked food besides just very recently my midwife! How amazing. This article helps so much. Thank you!


    Jeannie Di Bon - 10th March 2022

    Thank you – so glad it was helpful.


Noctuary Fahy - 26th February 2021

i didnt realise food had such a big impact on my joint pain! I’ve been eating a lot of unhealthy food during quarentine, which has probably been a big sourse of my pain. I’ll deninately start changing my diet


    Jeannie Di Bon - 1st March 2021

    Yes diet can play a huge role on pain – so glad this article was useful.


Yvonne whitehead - 19th December 2020

I have always had very flexible joints and often fall as my ankles frequently give way causing tendon damage and broken bones . I have also followed a celiac diet for many years as wheat products cause mostly horrific joint pain and some bowel problems . I would love to know if all my problems stem from my over flexible joints .


    Jeannie Di Bon - 23rd December 2020

    Thank you for the comment. It is hard to give you personal advice as I don’t know your history, but there is increasing evidence of the relationship between diet and EDS issues. Take a look at The EDS Society YouTube channel – Heidi Collins will have some presentations on there that may help.


Katie B - 2nd April 2020

Wow! I have hyper mobile joints and many food allergies. Thank you for this, no doctor has ever made that connection for me. Could you send me some more information on that if you have any?