Estimated reading time: 2 minutes We’ve probably all ventured into the previously unknown world of online exercise during these unusual times. When our regular gym or Pilates classes closed (or still remain closed), if you wanted to stay healthy and exercise safely you probably turned to YouTube for inspiration. Or maybe you became a regular on Zoom with your regular teacher.
The fitness world certainly had to adapt quickly and Zoom became the go to resource. I was very grateful I’d taken that scary step into creating online content four years ago so could offer some comprehensive solutions to my clients immediately.
One question came up a lot as more and more people ventured online.
Am I Doing This Right? Is it OK if I need to adjust my position or use cushions for support when exercising online? My answer is always – absolutely YES. If you are just starting out and have been in chronic pain for many years, at this stage what’s important is to feel safe, supported and comfortable. If that means you need extra cushions or you don’t weight-bear on your hands or you do everything from your bed, that is great too.
What’s key is that you’ve started to exercise. It’s also important that you have taken control into your own hands by exercising at home. You decide when, how often and how intensely. There is nothing wrong with hitting the pause button if you feel you need a rest. Sometimes there is a perceived pressure to keep up with other people in a group class and this can lead to unwittingly injuring ourselves.
By starting to exercise, you have made an emotional change. Adjust whatever you need to. The more you practice, you will notice your body changing. If it’s not increasing your pain or it’s pain-free, you are doing great.
Going solo online at home can be a little nerve-racking to begin with. But remember, every little step is Progress. We are not looking for Perfection. That causes us more stress and often pain as we are too hard on ourselves. Be Gentle. And importantly, enjoy the journey.
(During lockdown, I took the time to build a library of hypermobility friendly exercise tips and ideas. Take a look at
Jo Sinclair - 11th October 2020
Hi Jeannie,
Thanks for this. I have currently lost my baseline, struggling to stand and walk. I bought your book but struggled with it.(as in doing it alone and increased pain) I tried doing your best exercises for hypermobility pain. Day one was great I felt I got slightly more space in my back. Day two I struggled through the video finding it more difficult than the first. Day 3 I had to switch it off I couldn’t do it. It’s so hard to rehab by yourself and know if you are doing the right thing. I know you are the best person to help and will root around for your other videos and find the best place to get started again but it’s so hard doing online videos alone and wonder if you had any more guidance. I always felt a little and often was the best approach but now I am not sure that a little might be overdoing it. I struggle to interpret any sensory feedback. Any advice is appreciated
Jeannie Di Bon - 12th October 2020
Hello Jo, thank you for reaching out. It’s difficult to give you personal guidance as I don’t know your body or your medical history. It may be worth booking in for a 1:1 session so we can look at what you are doing, having a full assessment and then you will feel more confident about the online videos.