Estimated reading time: < 1 minute I never imagined I would be speaking openly on social media and interviews about my pelvic floor history or recurrent UTIs due to mast cell activation. My upbringing was such that certain things are private and definitely not a topic of conversation. And yet here I am. The reality is this is what life can be like with a condition like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
I talk with my clients and colleagues about so many things that might be considered ‘private’ and not mentioned to anyone but your doctor. But EDS changes that. The symptoms of this condition go way beyond our joints and it’s time this was talked about more. These symptoms and many more are a daily reality for many people.
My new podcast, Finding Your Range, is all about uncovering the reality of living with EDS or another chronic condition like ME, chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia. Finding My Range will be hosted by me and will have a variety of exciting guests to talk about different aspects of movement and the positive impact this can have on our lives.
I’m looking for patient stories too so please do message me if you’d like to be a guest. I’d love to hear from you.
Look out for Episode 1 coming soon. I hope you’ll find it an interesting, informative & fun resource.
You will be able to see my Podcast episodes on my YouTube channel and on Podbean. Subscribe now to get informed of the latest releases.
Sophie Hill - 23rd December 2020
Thanks for sharing this, I will be taking on board your tips! Merry Christmas!
Jeannie Di Bon - 23rd December 2020
Thank you and wishing you a lovely Christmas too.