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If you have hypermobility, pillow struggle is a real thing
Hypermobility, Lifestyle

July 9th, 2024

If you have hypermobility, pillow struggle is a real thing

Pillow struggle is a thing. Is there the perfect pillow to hypermobile necks that will help prevent neck and shoulder pain? This is the number one non-movement related question I get emails and questions about.

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Understanding hypermobility in the neck

June 17th, 2024

Understanding hypermobility in the neck

Neck pain is a common issue faced by those of us with hypermobility. Proprioception and muscle endurance of the neck are essential for functional stability (1). This is often lacking in hypermobility due to joint instability, muscle strains, poor posture, and ligament laxity.

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Understanding double-jointed elbows

June 10th, 2024

Understanding double-jointed elbows

Why write a whole blog about the elbow joint? Well, the elbow joint is like the knee joint – it is impacted by both the action of the wrist and the shoulder. It is the middleman and often ends up taking the strain for poor mechanics elsewhere. I think elbows are underrated in how we treat and manage hypermobility. How hypermobile people use their arms is going to hugely impact elbow issues.

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Managing Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome through Exercise

June 3rd, 2024

Managing Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome through Exercise

Have you been told to exercise to help manage your EDS or HSD? Perhaps you have been given no instruction on how to exercise with this condition. Or perhaps you’ve been told to just do pilates or go swimming. Or maybe you’ve been sent to a physical therapist who doesn’t understand hypermobility and makes things worse?

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Rib subluxations are common in hypermobility

May 14th, 2024

Rib subluxations are common in hypermobility

I know it can be a common thing in hypermobility and it is very painful. It can make us anxious about exercising as we fear a subluxation. Some people have even been told by some medical professionals that a rib subluxation is physically impossible – but I think if you have hypermobility you may disagree with this.

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Understanding flare-ups in EDS
Chronic pain, Hypermobility

April 24th, 2024

Understanding flare-ups in EDS

Can we ever really be prepared for a flare-up? And when they arrive, how do we manage them? They can be as unpredictable as the rain. You dress for the sun and a sudden downpour arrives. Sometimes we definitely know rain is coming and we can pack an umbrella but sometimes rain, like a flare-up, can appear when the sky seemed so blue. We just weren’t expecting it.

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Understanding Hypermobility Foot Mechanics and Pain Management

April 17th, 2024

Understanding Hypermobility Foot Mechanics and Pain Management

I always start at the feet.

The foot needs to be stable and mobile at the same time for good foot mechanics. It is super important to understand the relationship between the foot and the rest of the body. The foot will impact the knee, hip, lower back, and upwards from there. Even asymptomatic hypermobile feet and ankles can contribute to pain all the way up the body (1).

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Nociplastic Pain and the Sensitive Nervous System
Chronic pain, Hypermobility

October 16th, 2023

Nociplastic Pain and the Sensitive Nervous System

Dr. Leslie Russek, scientific advisor to The Zebra Club, joins us to discuss nociplastic pain and how we can regulate a sensitized nervous system.

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Creating safety in our own hypermobile bodies is key
Hypermobility, Mindbody

May 3rd, 2023

Creating safety in our own hypermobile bodies is key

“When we feel safe, we can be whoever we were meant to be”. Stephen Porges, author of The Polyvagal Theory, said this at an event I attended with him. I have been curious and passionate about creating a sense of safety for myself and my clients since I created my Integral Movement Method.

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Thanks for sticking with me when things got tough

April 4th, 2023

Thanks for sticking with me when things got tough

“Thanks for sticking with me when things go tough”. I received this at the end of an email from a lovely EDS client. I work with some very complex cases. There are always going to be ups and downs. A condition like EDS or HSD is never linear. I am prepared for the unexpected.

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What’s tissue tolerance? Can it help me avoid injury with hypermobility?

December 15th, 2022

What’s tissue tolerance? Can it help me avoid injury with hypermobility?

Injury prevention – how do we work towards that with hypermobility?

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Should I Squeeze my Glutes when I exercise with hypermobility?

November 8th, 2022

Should I Squeeze my Glutes when I exercise with hypermobility?

Squeezing, pushing, pulling – all words I try to avoid when teaching my hypermobile clients. Why – because they tend to put more tension into the body rather than helping someone move with ease and less pain.

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The Zebra Club APP

Hypermobility safe, affordable and effective movement, education and community in the comfort of your own home.

The Zebra Club app is a programme based on the Integral Movement Method. In this programme I will carefully guide you through safe exercises to manage your pain.

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