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What really happens when we lock our joints?

August 22nd, 2022

What really happens when we lock our joints?

Estimated reading time: 2 minutesWhat happens when we lock our Hypermobile Joints? As someone who always stood with locked knees and picked things up with hyperextended elbows, changing this pattern was really important for my joint health.

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Chronic Illness Exercise – Do you mourn your previous regime?
Hypermobility, Lifestyle & Wellbeing

July 13th, 2022

Chronic Illness Exercise – Do you mourn your previous regime?

Estimated reading time: 2 minutesWhat’s your relationship with exercise? Has it changed over the years? Did a chronic illness diagnosis change your approach?

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Has the exercise message been movement at any cost?

June 8th, 2022

Has the exercise message been movement at any cost?

Estimated reading time: 2 minutesHave you ever felt the message was ‘movement at any cost? I was speaking with a client recently who felt this was very much the message she had always perceived. We need to exercise, you must do it every day no matter what, even if it takes an hour or more. Regardless of how you feel or what the body is telling you. And if you don’t do them, you are failing or lazy. This is not the way forward. It is not healthy physically or mentally.

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Raising EDS Awareness with Bob and Brad
Chronic Pain, Hypermobility

March 21st, 2022

Raising EDS Awareness with Bob and Brad

Estimated reading time: < 1 minuteI am delighted to have teamed up with the most famous physical therapists on the internet (in their opinion of course) – Bob and Brad. If you know them, the theme tune to their famous YouTube channel is probably running through your head right now.

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EDS UK Community Champion Award Winner

February 17th, 2022

EDS UK Community Champion Award Winner

Estimated reading time: < 1 minuteI’m super proud and delighted to receive the Community Champion Award fromy Ehlers-Danlos Support UK. Thank you to Anne Lavery and Nikki Casey Eds for a lovely day when I was presented with my award.

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Living with Ehlers-Danlos – A Life in Two Halves
Chronic Pain, Hypermobility, Lifestyle & Wellbeing

January 25th, 2022

Living with Ehlers-Danlos – A Life in Two Halves

Estimated reading time: 2 minutesLike many of us, I used to see my life in two halves. Pre motherhood, I lived with symptoms on a daily basis like muscular pain, daily migraines, digestive issues (diagnosed as IBS aged 12). I thought everyone had issues every day.

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Hypermobility Flare-Up Management
Chronic Pain, Hypermobility

November 18th, 2021

Hypermobility Flare-Up Management

Estimated reading time: 2 minutesCan we ever really be prepared for a flare-up? And when they arrive, how do we manage them? They can be as unpredictable as the rain. You dress for sun and a sudden downpour arrives. Sometimes we definitely know rain is coming and we can pack an umbrella but sometimes rain, like a flare-up, can appear when the sky seemed so blue. We just weren’t expecting it.

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Feeling Accepted With A Chronic Illness
Chronic Pain, EDS, Hypermobility

October 13th, 2021

Feeling Accepted With A Chronic Illness

Estimated reading time: 2 minutesWhen I attended my first EDS The Ehlers-Danlos Society conference in Las Vegas in 2017, around 50% of my clients had EDS and hypermobility with pain. I was kindly invited to speak by Lara Bloom CEO of The EDS Society.  I had just released the first online hypermobility course, Strengthen Your Hypermobile Core.

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Finding Your Range Hypermobility Podcast : Season 1 Overview

July 18th, 2021

Finding Your Range Hypermobility Podcast : Season 1 Overview

Estimated reading time: < 1 minuteSeason 1 of this dedicated hypermobility podcast has ended, but we will be back in the Autumn with more amazing and inspiring guests. This was my first attempt at a Podcast, and I have absolutely loved every minute of it. I have had the privilege to interview zebras and experts at the top of their game.

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Soft is the new strong in hypermobility

May 6th, 2021

Soft is the new strong in hypermobility

Estimated reading time: 2 minutesSoft is the new strong. This seems the total wrong thing – when we feel loose and disjointed, surely we should be bracing to hold it all together. I discovered that led to more pain and fatigue. So I went soft.

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Join my new podcast – Finding Your Range.  Hypermobility and Chronic Pain Uncovered.

November 4th, 2020

Join my new podcast – Finding Your Range. Hypermobility and Chronic Pain Uncovered.

Estimated reading time: < 1 minuteI never imagined I would be speaking openly on social media and interviews about my pelvic floor history or recurrent UTIs due to mast cell activation. My upbringing was such that certain things are private and definitely not a topic of conversation. And yet here I am. The reality is this is what life can be like with a condition like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.

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Am I Doing This Exercise Right?  Progress Not Perfection Wins Every Time.
Hypermobility, Lifestyle & Wellbeing

October 9th, 2020

Am I Doing This Exercise Right? Progress Not Perfection Wins Every Time.

Estimated reading time: 2 minutesWe’ve probably all ventured into the previously unknown world of online exercise during these unusual times. When our regular gym or Pilates classes closed (or still remain closed), if you wanted to stay healthy and exercise safely you probably turned to YouTube for inspiration. Or maybe you became a regular on Zoom with your regular teacher.

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The Zebra Club APP

Hypermobility safe, affordable and effective movement, education and community in the comfort of your own home.

The Zebra Club app is a programme based on the Integral Movement Method. In this programme I will carefully guide you through safe exercises to manage your pain.

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