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chronic pain
April 17th, 2024
Understanding Hypermobility Foot Mechanics and Pain Management
Estimated reading time: 8 minutesI always start at the feet.
The foot needs to be stable and mobile at the same time for good foot mechanics. It is super important to understand the relationship between the foot and the rest of the body. The foot will impact the knee, hip, lower back, and upwards from there. Even asymptomatic hypermobile feet and ankles can contribute to pain all the way up the body (1).
Read moreOctober 15th, 2023
The 3 Types of Hypermobility Pain by Dr. Leslie Russek
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesPain is a signal from your brain that it perceives danger. There are 3 types of pain: nociceptive, neuropathic, and neoplastic.
Read moreApril 4th, 2023
Thanks for sticking with me when things got tough
Estimated reading time: < 1 minute“Thanks for sticking with me when things go tough”. I received this at the end of an email from a lovely EDS client. I work with some very complex cases. There are always going to be ups and downs. A condition like EDS or HSD is never linear. I am prepared for the unexpected.
Read moreNovember 8th, 2022
Should I Squeeze my Glutes when I exercise with hypermobility?
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesSqueezing, pushing, pulling – all words I try to avoid when teaching my hypermobile clients. Why – because they tend to put more tension into the body rather than helping someone move with ease and less pain.
Read moreOctober 11th, 2022
Relationships and Chronic Pain
Estimated reading time: 4 minutesI recently did a post about pain management. Someone raised the question on the post of ‘how can I communicate my pain to my partner effectively?’
Read moreMay 19th, 2022
The Lonely Chronic Illness Life
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesLiving with a chronic illness can sometimes be lonely. It can be difficult for friends and family to really understand how we are feeling and why we don’t ‘get better’. It drives me crazy when people say ‘you just need a good night sleep’ – like it’s a miracle cure.
Read moreApril 18th, 2022
What people don’t see when you live with a chronic illness
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesWhat’s it like when you go out out – if you do go out out? Is there a lot of preparation and organisation involved?
Read moreJanuary 25th, 2022
Living with Ehlers-Danlos – A Life in Two Halves
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesLike many of us, I used to see my life in two halves. Pre motherhood, I lived with symptoms on a daily basis like muscular pain, daily migraines, digestive issues (diagnosed as IBS aged 12). I thought everyone had issues every day.
Read moreNovember 4th, 2020
Join my new podcast – Finding Your Range. Hypermobility and Chronic Pain Uncovered.
Estimated reading time: < 1 minuteI never imagined I would be speaking openly on social media and interviews about my pelvic floor history or recurrent UTIs due to mast cell activation. My upbringing was such that certain things are private and definitely not a topic of conversation. And yet here I am. The reality is this is what life can be like with a condition like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
Read moreSeptember 14th, 2020
The Neglected Stress Impact of a Chronic Illness
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes“Psychological factors can trigger a breathing pattern that might be appropriate to an emergency situation, when no such emergency exists”. This is an extract from a book on breathing pattern disorders. I became so interested in breathing patterns the more I worked with our hypermobile community. Breathing comes first. Movement second.
Read moreApril 16th, 2020
Home exercise has never been easier
Estimated reading time: < 1 minuteI hope you are safe and well during these unusual, challenging times.
I have been thinking of ways I could help to keep you active and enjoying movement safely at home. I am sure your regular exercise activities and classes are closed. Where do we turn for reliable, safe and effective information for chronic pain or hypermobility issues?
Read moreJuly 21st, 2019
What Does Zebrastrong Mean To You?
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesWhat does zebrastrong mean to you? I remember a time when the thought of moving and living pain-free was just a thought. I was in pain, fearful of movement and frustrated at trying many options without success.
Read moreThe Zebra Club APP
Hypermobility safe, affordable and effective movement, education and community in the comfort of your own home.
The Zebra Club app is a programme based on the Integral Movement Method. In this programme I will carefully guide you through safe exercises to manage your pain.
Learn more