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Chronic Pain
January 25th, 2022
Living with Ehlers-Danlos – A Life in Two Halves
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesLike many of us, I used to see my life in two halves. Pre motherhood, I lived with symptoms on a daily basis like muscular pain, daily migraines, digestive issues (diagnosed as IBS aged 12). I thought everyone had issues every day.
Read moreNovember 18th, 2021
Hypermobility Flare-Up Management
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesCan we ever really be prepared for a flare-up? And when they arrive, how do we manage them? They can be as unpredictable as the rain. You dress for sun and a sudden downpour arrives. Sometimes we definitely know rain is coming and we can pack an umbrella but sometimes rain, like a flare-up, can appear when the sky seemed so blue. We just weren’t expecting it.
Read moreOctober 13th, 2021
Feeling Accepted With A Chronic Illness
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesWhen I attended my first EDS The Ehlers-Danlos Society conference in Las Vegas in 2017, around 50% of my clients had EDS and hypermobility with pain. I was kindly invited to speak by Lara Bloom CEO of The EDS Society. I had just released the first online hypermobility course, Strengthen Your Hypermobile Core.
Read moreSeptember 14th, 2020
The Neglected Stress Impact of a Chronic Illness
Estimated reading time: 2 minutes“Psychological factors can trigger a breathing pattern that might be appropriate to an emergency situation, when no such emergency exists”. This is an extract from a book on breathing pattern disorders. I became so interested in breathing patterns the more I worked with our hypermobile community. Breathing comes first. Movement second.
Read moreOctober 5th, 2018
How do you explain your pain to others?
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesSeptember was Pain Awareness Month. It’s taken me a while to put pen to paper because this is such a huge subject. I wasn’t sure where to start.
Read moreNovember 13th, 2017
Small steps: discovering movement when you live with chronic pain
Estimated reading time: 2 minutesEncouraging someone who lives with chronic pain to ‘get moving’ could sound like a misguided, insensitive piece of advice. However, throughout my years as a professional Pilates and movement coach (not to mention during my years of ill health) I’ve seen time and again the impact that the right movement can have when it comes alleviating the symptoms of chronic pain.
Read moreThe Zebra Club APP
Hypermobility safe, affordable and effective movement, education and community in the comfort of your own home.
The Zebra Club app is a programme based on the Integral Movement Method. In this programme I will carefully guide you through safe exercises to manage your pain.
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